Rebecca's Journey - 28
Greetings, Friends,
This is Sunday afternoon, May 25. I've been home from the US for several days. Our friend and colleague, Dean Jordon, has been here en route to the Congo.
Rebecca is well. Robert and Tracy will be here shortly for Rebecca's Sunday afternoon "walk". If the weather holds, we'll go again to the lake. She's been there the last 3 Sundays, and has enjoyed the outing.
Rebecca: "I've been home now about 6 weeks, and, as you know, it is wonderful to be here with my dear family and loved ones. Needless to say, there have been adjustments for everyone, and often those adjustments have not been easy. We've each felt stretched in different ways, and have appreciated your prayers.
Twice my afternoon naps have turned a bit challenging. I use the base of a cordless phone as my call system. The person responsible for me has the receiver, and when I need them, I push the "phone finder" which rings in the receiver. On two different occasions the base unit has slipped beyond my reach.
It isn't entirely rational. I could hear my dear family tiptoeing overhead and whispering in the hallway. I knew they were so glad I was getting such a long nap. But I flashed back to the old days at ICU when I was unable to communicate or call for help. I ended up with an overwhelming sense of my complete vulnerability and inability.
On the morning of the first afternoon, in my quiet time, the Lord had spoken to me through the Psalms that He was ever watching, and that He heard my cry. That afternoon, after about 45 minutes of not being able to get anyone's attention, I began to cry. Then I remembered the Psalm, but, I'm sorry to say, it didn't help me much at the time. I felt the old panic of isolation and fear. About that time, Judy stuck her head around the corner to check on me. Then I really cried!
The second time this happened, about 3 weeks later, I did better, more able to hold on to the reality that the Lord was watching me, and knowing that He would soon send someone to me. I think the end result of both experiences drove home the reality of my incapacity and my dependence. My care, my life, really requires a team. We're coming to see that it is an expression of His Body - His life expressed in and through our relationships.
Thank you so much for standing with us during Paul's recent trip to the States. We got along very well. Judy took good care of me, first with Annie's help, and then with the help of Caelene, Mary Peake's future daughter-in-law. Of course, Robert and Tracy are a constant support. This really is a team effort, and no small task."
Paul again: Rebecca's statement that our life requires a team effort is a reality for us all. The Father created us for dependence on Him and interdependence with the community of which we are a part. Thank God for people and relationships.
This week Rebecca's Physical Therapist discovered that she had new movement in her right leg. She said it is continuing enervation.
Our love to all,
Paul & Rebecca
PS One additional prayer request: It has become obvious that it takes 3 people living in the house to adequately care for Rebecca and the home, including receiving guests. Having 3 people allows days off and some free time for those involved. Please pray with us for another long-term member of "the team".