Rebecca's Joureny - 32
Rebecca's Up-date: July 14, 2003
Dear Friends,
When we first started writing updates to you, Paul and I determined that we wanted to be candid about the challenges and our responses to them. We wanted to express the reality of our day-by-day happenings, both in our circumstances and in our souls. Today I am very discouraged. I am better than I was earlier this morning, and will be better by this evening, I'm sure. I had a good cry with Judy, or should I say we had a good cry together. I also had a good time with the Lord, so my perspective is a bit better.
I especially want to share these thoughts with those of you who have serious or extended illness. Yesterday and today I have felt a terrible burden, or should I say I have felt that I am a terrible burden to everyone around me. The reality is that everything I need must be brought to me or done for me. Often I don't even express the things I want because there are so many things I need. To "want" something only adds more of a burden to those who love me and are committed to my care. Everyone around me needs a break to get away from me. I know it is not a break from me, but a break from the burden of my constant care.
Judy expressed it well this morning when she said: "He is faithful to bring us all to a place where we know we need Him. We can't do it on our own." She, in her extremity and weariness, sometimes not knowing if she can go on, and me in my inability to continue being so needy, wanting to get up and do something for myself' The Lord has to teach us how to do this. All along, and especially lately, my cry has been: 'Lord, teach me, show me. I don't know how to do this. Teach me how to go through the day as You would go through it." It is in our extremity that we truly find Him. (How many times have I said this to you?)
He brings us through phases, doesn't he? We go along and then He takes us to another level. This morning the Lord led me to Psalm 62:5-8,11.
Find rest O my soul in God alone;
My expectation comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken.
My salvation and my honor depend on God;
He is my mighty rock, my refuge.
Trust in him at all times, O people;
Pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge.
One thing God has spoken, two things have I heard;
That You, O God, are strong, and that You, O Lord, are loving.
Lord, our expectation is from You. We look to You and know that even through days like these You'll bring us into a wide place. Love, Rebecca
From Paul:
Stephen and I are home from our 3-week, 9-city trip in Canada and the US. We found Rebecca well. She had dictated this note to Judy before I returned.
Judy flew out of Brussels for her 5 weeks at home just as we were landing. So we missed saying good-bye to her. Then Stephen, Robert, and Tracey leave on Saturday, 2 Aug., for a month in the Congo. This will be R&T's 1st trip, so Stephen will help them negotiate the travel and translate for them. He'll probably do some handy-man tasks while he is there, as well as speak to the youth.
While we were gone the physiotherapist began sitting Rebecca up on the side of the bed. She can now hold herself upright for 30-60 seconds at a time, and even move herself to the left or right, backwards or forwards, and then return herself to a stable center, with her head held up. This is a significant step forward.
Love to all,