Rebecca's Journey - 36
Greetings, Friends!
This is Paul. I've been traveling quite a bit recently, so our notes to you have been intermittent.
Rebecca's new room is nearing completion. The basic structural work should be finished in the next couple of weeks. Then we'll build in cupboards, paint, and put up drapes before she moves in - hopefully by mid-December. What a joy it will be for her to be in her own room.
From Rebecca:
"First we want to thank so many of you who prayed on the 2nd anniversary of my accident. It was a wonderful feeling that day realizing the sustaining power of your prayers. We think that the biggest result has been increased strength and energy. I'm almost amazed at my capacity to manage the household, entertain visitors, and continue my very rigorous physical therapy. I continue to show improvement in both my legs and arms. I'm now able to stand, being supported, for nearly two minutes twice a week, and sit on the side of the bed unsupported, doing various movements. We've come a long way from the days when the doctors said I would never move again. The spasticity on my right side is improved. Please continue to pray for the numbness. If anything, this seems to be worse. My hope is that we are in a progression of healing.
Through the e-mails we get, we realized that many of you are suffering more than I am, both physically and with deep relational pain.
I found myself last week praying for you from I Peter: 'So then, those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator, and continue to do good.' This reminded me of one of my favorite quotes by Thomas Merton: 'I must make use of my duties to the present, and by it unite myself to God.'
But you know, I find sometimes, as I go through a difficult day, fear can creep in. Peter understood this propensity and goes on to say in chapter 5, verse 7: 'Cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares for you.' And finally: 'And the God of all grace who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will Himself restore you and make you strong, firm, and steadfast.'
He is keeping us all so well, in His goodness.
All my love,
And my love too,