Rebecca's Journey - 57
Greetings, Friends!
It's a sunny day in Belgium - and warm for January. Judy and Annie are here now. Jessica Camenisch, the daughter of some long-standing friends from Lexington, KY, is also here for three months to help with Rebecca's care. She is a joy to us all. Once again the Lord has provided such a lovely young woman with a servant's heart. They make a good team. I leave on Sunday for North America for 3 weeks, so Rebecca is in good hands in my absence.
Judy returns to the US on March 14th. Jessica will head home on March 31st. This year Annie will have two surgeries that will require her to be back in France for two 8-week periods, one in the spring and the other in autumn.
Please be praying with us for those whom God will call to help care for Rebecca as this year proceeds.
From Rebecca: "Last night I was unable to sleep. I kept singing, over & over, 'There is a Redeemer, Jesus, God's own Son; precious Lamb of God, Messiah, Holy One.' I struggled to stop singing, and tried to sleep. Surely I needed my rest. Suddenly I realized that the Holy Spirit was singing in me, and the Lord was calling me to a time with Himself. I sang and sang and sang, meditating on our Redeemer.
One of my favorite parts of the movie 'The Passion' was the poignant line as Jesus fell under the weight of the cross en route to Golgotha, and His mother rushed to help Him. He said: 'No, I must do this. I'm making all things new.' O how many times I've needed a Redeemer, One to make my situation new.
This past week I've been reading in John 4 where Jesus met the Samaritan woman at the well. What a mess her life was! How desperately she needed a Redeemer! The amazing thing to me was that Jesus used all the bad things in her life, and made good of them. Because of her 'position' in the village, everyone knew her. She particularly knew the men, who in that culture were the leaders of the village. Later in the chapter it says that she went back and told all the men about what had happened to her. Jesus redeemed the sinful life - He made good out of her past, using even it for His glory and the advancement of His Kingdom. It says that many believed because of her words. Then Jesus stayed on in the village, and many more believed because of His own words. This 'sinful women' had become an evangelist. Such a Redeemer!
And I thought of our own situation. In the natural, what a mess! But Jesus is a Redeemer. I've been struck particularly this week with the reality that, because of all we've been through, Father seems to be making a platform from which we can share His goodness and His love. It is amazing to me to realize that this quadriplegic is becoming an evangelist. Such a Redeemer!
I once heard a simple definition of Redeemer: one who makes good. As I was awake last night I prayed for many of you. I prayed that this week, whatever your situation, you would find the Redeemer. He died to make all things new, and it is His delight to do it. He longs to take our broken places and make such good of them for His Kingdom's glory and our joy."
With love from us both,
Paul & Rebecca