Rebecca's Journey - 61

Rebecca and I are sitting on the terrace, sun shining, daffodils in bloom - a wonderful expression of resurrection after winter's bareness.
Jessica returned to the US last Thursday. What a treasure she has been to us! Margaret arrived on Monday and is learning the processes of care for Rebecca. She too is a gift from the Lord.
From Rebecca: "We are again in the midst of one of our times of transition. I'm feeling the pain of dear Jessica's leaving, while at the same time experiencing the joy of getting to know Margaret. I daily stand amazed at the grace and gift of God in these young women, and their love & care.
"Many of you will be glad to know that I'm making progress on the book, 'Rebecca's Journey'. It seems strange that my life is so busy that it is a challenge to carve out the time I need to write.
"One part of this process is going back through the e-mails that Paul wrote from the 1st half year after the accident. As I've worked my way through the 5 1/2 months in ICU I've been surprised to find how challenging and painful this review has been. One day, as I closed my notebook, I felt overwhelmed by the complications of that season. I went from one group of doctors and nurses to another.
"Then the Lord reminded of some thoughts He had given me years ago about the sowing of the seed of the Kingdom. The seed doesn't look anything like the fruit, yet it carries within it all the potential to bring forth a duplication of the plant and its fruit.
"In Mark 4, when Jesus is explaining the parable of the sower, He says that the seed is the Word. Some of this seed lands by the wayside, some among the thorns, some on good, productive ground. I felt my questions begin to settle, and I thought: 'Lord, in all those situations You were sowing me and my words as seeds of the Kingdom. They were perhaps just words of encouragement, or kindness in the midst of an unkind world, but they were seed in Your hand.'
"In ll Corinthians 9:10 Paul says, 'Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown, and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God.'
"Isn't it encouraging to know that as we go through our days, in each encounter He is sowing our words as seeds in the hearts of those we meet. And He has promised that some of this seed will grow, and multiply, bringing forth His Kingdom. This happens, not by our efforts, but by the marvelous power of the seed. It will grow and increase."
Paul again: As always, we are grateful for your faithfulness. Monday was Rebecca's 60th Birthday. I took her to lunch today to "Celebrate Rebecca!"
With love from us both,