Rebecca's Journey - 72
Greeting, Friends!
It is a sunny, cold day in
Rebecca will be well cared for by Susannah, Judy, and Annie while I'm gone.
Rebecca is well. We went together to a stage play last week - the first one Rebecca has attended since her accident.
From Rebecca: "Nineteen years ago, at the age of 41, we discovered I was pregnant. I'm sorry to say that I was not happy. My pregnancy with Phillip 3 years earlier had been extremely complicated; I spent 7 months in bed. When Phillip was born, a beautiful healthy baby boy, we were thrilled, and knew that every moment of bed-rest had been worth the price. But, I didn't want to do it again.
"Now I found myself back in bed, once again waiting for a new baby. I had so many emotions. In the midst of the swirl the Lord spoke to me and said:
'I have chased you down to bless you.'
How could we ever say what a blessing and joy Stephen is to us today?
"I was reminded of this last week when I read the definition of 'bless' in my Bible. 'From God's side, He is the blesser, the One who gives the capacity for living a full, rich life.'
"We have seen so often that just before a season or expression of blessing there is a 'moment' of pain or stretching. Does it prepare us to be able to receive God's blessing?
"We have seen a pattern that often before an event, I have a period of weakness. This past week we had been planning with excitement the whole family (Paul, Judy, Susannah, Annie, and me) going to see 'Oliver'. The night before I didn't sleep well because my body does not regulate temperature normally. I can become extremely hot or extremely cold. These patterns interrupt my sleep, and sometimes even involve calling one of my care-givers to turn up the heat or take off blankets.
"Friday night was such a night. As Saturday dawned I felt so weary and unsure that I would be able to go to the play. I've learned to recognize this pattern, and press through as much as I am able. So I proceeded on Saturday. The closer we got to the theater, the stronger I felt. By the time we arrived I thought: 'I can do this.'
"I must say it was a delightful afternoon. I was in my wheelchair for more than 5 hours, and enjoyed it to the fullest. The whole family shared it together and came home to sit around the dinner table, talking about the delights of the afternoon.
"There can be many kinds of stretching experiences. Sometimes the Lord asks us to go a little further, lay down something precious, forgive, or 'let go'. Each of these can be the pathway of opening ourselves to Him for Him to give us the capacity to receive His blessing.
"The rich young ruler came to Jesus, a young man who seemed to have all that the world could give. And yet he came seeking. The Scripture says that Jesus loved him. I've always been amazed to think of what a relationship with Jesus he could have had. Jesus put His finger on the very center of that in his life which kept him from receiving the fullness of what God had for him. He turned away 'sad'. He walked away from the Master, and from being enlarged enough to have the capacity to receive the blessing of God. Imagine what Jesus could have given him! That's what He has for us today. I want to be able to open myself to let the Father give me the capacity to be blessed, as is in His heart."
Rebecca and I send our love,