Rebecca's Journey - 83
15 February, 2007
Greetings Friends!
I returned home last Saturday - wonderful to be back with Rebecca.
Today, in a very un-Belgian way for winter, we have clear skies and sun shining through the bare branches of the trees. It brings joy to us all! And it reminds me that if we can keep the clouds away from our spiritual atmosphere, we can bask in the light of the Son. The sight of His face, the radiance of His care and faithfulness always bring great joy to our souls.
One important note here: The young woman who was coming to help care for Rebecca from early April through early July has had a change of plans. Jessica, who is here presently, returns to the US on 10 April. Please pray with us about someone who could come during that time. Don't hesitate to communicate if you have any questions. This is short notice but we trust the Lord has someone in mind.
From Rebecca: This week I'm living in Ephesians 3, letting the roots of my heart go deep into the richness of these words.
Today as I was reading verse 7, there was a "substitution" that popped into my mind. Paul says: "I became a minister?". And I read: "I became a quadriplegic according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective working of His power." And then verse 10: "to the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known".
I'm reading from the New King James, and my Bible highlights words and then gives Strong's Dictionary Definitions. Here it has "manifold" defined as "varied colors". "The word 'manifold' pictures God's wisdom as much varied, with many shades, tints, hues, and colorful expressions.' What an amazing God we serve! Each of our situations is an opportunity for God's wisdom to be shown by the marvelous working of His grace.
Today I was sitting with Jessica in the waiting room of the eye doctor. We read together from Ephesians 3. I said to her: "For you verse 7 could say, ...of which I became a 'college student' according to the gift of the grace of God given to me by the effective working of His power." Each of us can identify our situations as gifts of His grace (even when the gifts may not be the one's we'd have asked for).
As you know, I'm working on my book. (I appreciate that many of you are praying with us for this project.) It has been challenging for me as we read again through all the early experiences after the accident and during my time of Intensive Care. Those were days of swirling disorientation. We were not at all sure what God was saying, or where it would end. But we fixed our hearts steadily on Him. Now, because of the way God has unfolded His purposes, we can see His manifold wisdom, how He has turned and used this to grow us and bless His people with events that were certainly not what we would have chosen.
In each of our lives there are many situations that must be viewed in this light: a broken or difficult marriage, a child not walking with the Lord, a job that hasn't worked out. There are many scenarios in which we must hold steady and know that we will see the manifold wisdom of God expressed.
It's true for each one of us. Whatever our situation, it's an opportunity for the grace of God to show forth His wisdom. What a wonderful adventure we are on together."
Our love to you all,
Rebecca and Paul