Rebecca's Journey - 105
9 September, 2008
Dear Friends,
These days our minds and hearts here are filled with "journeying" as we finish the last details of my book, Rebecca's Journey. It should be released this autumn. We'll certainly keep you posted.
Once again we're in days of transition as dear Amber and Rachel have finished their time here as my care-givers and new folks will be coming in. The Lord has been so faithful and we are seeing Him supply the needs. As I write this, Paul is on his way home from a trip to the States where he has seen many of you. I'm looking forward, of course, to seeing him!!
I've been reading the Book of Acts recently. It's a real joy, since I haven't read Acts for years. My thoughts on journeying have been confirmed as I've read about the Apostle Paul's. It is a wonderful picture of God's faithfulness and purpose out-worked in one life. It causes me to think of many of you and of your journeys. Each of you is in a different place, many spread around the world, and I believe that today Father would encourage you that He has chosen you, has called you to walk where you are, and has given you the power to recognize His hand working in your life. He is unfolding for you His good purpose to use you and to extend His kingdom.
Ananias, in speaking to Paul after he had been blinded on the way to Damascus, touched his eyes and said,
"The God of our fathers has chosen you to know His will and to see the Righteous One and hear words from His mouth. For you will be His witnesses to all men of what you have seen and heard." (Acts 22:14-15)
With these words, Paul received his sight and went on to fulfill God's purpose for his life. These events also set the course for the church and the Kingdom of God for all of us. As I continued reading on from Acts 22, I was struck with God's faithfulness expressed in every way. From Governors to Kings, Paul walked through whatever doors God opened and he spoke the truth of the revelation of Jesus, and of the things that he had seen and heard.
The chapter goes on to speak of "4 days later..., 2 weeks later..., 3 weeks later...". I suddenly realized through all of this that Paul was sitting in prison. Was he quietly waiting for God's purpose to unfold? Was he always full of confidence? Or did he have moments of wondering if God had left and abandoned him? I can't help but think of my own "imprisonment". But God's good purpose continues to unfold - regardless of our earthly circumstances . We see God's faithfulness every day, even when it's hard to comprehend and we are confined by "prison bars".
Let us take every opportunity to express His life wherever God opens the door. We must remember that He is faithful throughout our journey. Even through difficult and hard things, we can rest in Him; trusting His goodness.
My love to you all,