Rebecca's Journey - 117
Dear Friends,
This is Paul! Rebecca's reflections are below. We want to take this opportunity to share some wonderful news. Vlatko and Susannah arrive in a few minutes after having spent a month in North America. Susannah will stay in Brussels for her usual week-a-month at the Parliament. Vlatko and I both leave tomorrow. But there's one more bit of joyful information, or should I say one more little person who is coming with them to visit Grandma and Grandpa. Yes, they are expecting their first child in February. They, and we, are thrilled. We will definitely keep you posted on this news!
From Rebecca
Sparkling brown eyes and always a ready smile, this darling young lady has been my almost-constant companion, "my hands and feet", and has become a joy to our household and a precious friend. This is Anna Kopechek, my present caregiver (until tomorrow, as today is her last day). I am so humbled to tell the story of my caregivers.
Early after my coming home from hospital we realized that a quadriplegic must have one person whose job description be to take care of me. Where would we ever find someone to fill that place? At that time I felt the Lord spoke to me and said, "It will be My joy to give them to you. As they care for you they will be caring for Me". In Matthew 25:40 it says, "I say to you, in as much as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren you did it to Me". And we have seen provision, one after another, of beautiful men and women.
What exactly does Anna do all day? We work together doing all that is required for "the busiest quadriplegic" my nurses have ever seen. My caregiver cares for all my physical needs. She helps our nurse morning and evening in getting me ready for the days and nights. She oversees and organizes my huge supply of medicines--and makes sure I take them. She prepares my meals for me, fills my glasses, opens my curtains and turns on the TV. We write, working on the computer and handwriting notes. We work in the garden and serve tea to my guests. We care for my birds and animals. We laugh and we pray; she supports me when I cry, and encourages me when I need to be encouraged. Notice, I write "we" do all of these things. That is a joke between us; I think of everything that should be done and the others get to do it. And there are hundreds of things to do every day.
Anna is one of so many precious "gifts" the Lord has sent in the amazing flow of care-givers during these last years. I really wish I could write about each one of the delightful, servant-hearted treasures whom He has placed in our lives. All of our caregivers have supported me in ways that I have only begun to enumerate here. How deeply grateful and blessed I am. How thankful I am for, and to, each one. And all have become dear friends.
I'm reminded of the Scripture in Matthew when Jesus turns to His disciples and said, "Who ever desires to become great among you let him be your servant...just as the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many." (Matthew 20:26, 28). May the Lord give us all opportunities this week to serve, to lay down our way and to give ourselves to another's need. In doing this we will have the privilege of caring for the Lord Himself.
I'm happy to announce that my book, after many delays, is on the verge of being available. Here's a picture of the cover. We'll be sending out details shortly.
With love from us both,
Paul & Rebecca