Rebecca's Journey - 121
Dear Friends,
I love meditating during this time of year, from gospel to gospel, on the Christmas story. I never tire of it! Yesterday, as I opened the Scriptures, the Lord said, "Preparation!" I re-read the Christmas story and realized that in every situation, before He spoke or moved, He had prepared all the characters of the drama.
John the Baptist was the first I considered. His lifestyle prepared him for his task 30 years later - preparing the way for Jesus.
And Joseph! I wonder what circumstances God used to prepare this man to receive His Word so readily, and to take the young, pregnant Mary into his heart, and then to lead his new family on a harrowing escape to Egypt?
And Mary! What preparation had He done in that young girl's heart to receive so willingly such a life-changing word, one that would plunge her into misunderstanding within her community, and cost her so much. "Let it be done unto me according to Your word." It may well have had its roots in her family.
The shepherds! Did He even prepare them? They certainly heard the angels! And all immediately agreed, "Let's go!" I wonder how many of them there were? I'll bet there weren't too many or they never would have come to such a consensus so quickly! :-) But, they were ready to go. What did they do with their sheep? Maybe they took them all along, and left them on the outskirts of Bethlehem with one attending while the others went to see the baby.
Of course, the wise men were well prepared. They'd been looking and preparing for many years. Like the others, they were ready to go.
I've had so many people ask me, "How could you and Paul so readily receive Grace for the dramatic changes that came after your accident?" We always say, "He was preparing us our whole lives for that moment. All that went before enabled us to step through, with His grace, into His new purpose."
For that first Christmas morning the Lord had prepared His people to receive His gift. As we approach this Christmas season, let us pray that we will be open to His of preparation and turn our hearts toward the good gifts that He will bring. "Prepare our hearts, Lord, to receive all the good things that You have in store for us."
A blessed and happy Christmas to you and your families!