Rebecca's Journey - 132
Dear Friends,
It's Sunday afternoon, my computer screen flickers and opens. We scroll up to Skype, click the mouse, and we're almost to Missouri. As the picture comes on, there is our son Matthew with Gabriella on his lap. "Grandma!" she exclaims. Later on in the week, the screen flickers again, comes on, and we're in Macedonia. I expect to see Susannah, but, No! The screen is filled with a curly red headed smiling face whose fingers are probing the screen.
I've had many people say they were sorry I was so far away from my grandchildren - many miles and, in some cases, the Atlantic Ocean in between. But how thankful I am for our technological age! I can meet them almost weekly through our computer.
I'm going to start this weekend with Gabriella, our oldest grandchild who is almost three. The Lord has given me the idea of telling her stories. They will be short of course. I'll begin with stories about her daddy when he was young. I know she will be especially delighted to discover that he was sometimes mischievous.
As we consider our relationships with our children and grandchildren, if you're like me, I begin to ask the Lord how I should pray for them, these precious treasures that He's given. I was reading in Matthew (The Gospel) and I came to the parable of the seeds. I realized it's really a parable about soil. I thought about the nurses and people who I pray for everyday. Then I was thrilled to realize I could use the same application for my grandchildren. Even from this early age, Father would give them good soil in their little hearts. When their parents, Paul and I, or a teacher at school, starts sowing good seed, I pray their heart's soil will be rich and ready to receive it, so that the seeds of the Kingdom will begin to grow up in their heart, and eventually bear good fruit.
Let us all take a fresh look at those for whom we pray. Father, prepare the soil of their hearts, break it up, let the rain of Your life fall, Father. Make the soil good, and Lord, by Your great mercy, sow seeds of Your love, of Your person, of Your life in their hearts.
Love to all,